ThemeReconciliation. In what way?

Saturday  July 6th. 2019, Christus Triumfator church, The Hague.

The conference was made possible thanks to a donation of the  National Comittee 4 and 5 May.                               Program:

  1. Welcome – Janneke Roos
  2. Opening  – Yukari Tangena – Suzuki
  3. Can what once separated us also connect us? – Philip de Heer
  4. My encounter of “comfort women” for reconciliation – Eriko Ikeda
  5. Q&A – Janneke Roos
  6. Study of Reconciliation – Prof. Toyomi Asano
  7. Sharing History – Maarten Hidskes
  8. Q&A – Janneke Roos
  9. Explanation of the artwork Who is the Dalang ? Who are the Dalangs? – Arletta Kaper
  10. Dialogue in small groups
  11. Feed back of group dialogues.
  12. Closing words – Prof. Takamitsu Muraoka


1. Welcome ⎮Janneke Roos

Welcome on behalf of the Foundation Dialogue NJI


2.  Opening Speech⎮Yukari Tangena – Suzuki

3. “Can what once separated us”, also connect us? ⎮Philip de Heer

4. Encounter between a Japanese woman and victims of sexual slavery, and reconciliation

Eriko Ikeda

6. Verzoening onderzocht ⎮Toyomi Asano

7. Sharing and Caring⎮Maarten Hidskes



Explanation of the artwork Who is the Dalang ? Who are the Dalangs?⎮Arletta Kaper