Invitation to a Youth Dialogue

Saturday, 29th May 2021, 11:00 – 13:30 (Time in the Netherlands, GMT+2)

Are you interested in the historical interlinkage between The Netherlands, Japan and Indonesia during World War-2 ? Are you keen to learn more about it and share your thoughts in a dialogue group? If so, this event is for you.

World War-2 , when The Netherlands, Japan, and Indonesia took opposing sides in Indonesia, ended 76 years ago. Dialogue and openness should replace barriers that divided the three countries. Dialogue is not about whitewashing historical facts and hurriedly reaching a consensus to avoid confrontation. Dialogue is about conveying concern and thoughts with one goal: mutual understanding, so that we can avoid conflicts in the future. That is why the Foundation Dialogue Netherlands-Japan-Indonesia is organising this online Youth Dialogue event.

This Youth Dialogue intends to provide an opportunity for the younger generations in the three countries to meet each other virtually and to exchange thoughts, ideas and perspectives on the history they share, and possibly learn from each other. This youth dialogue will build on the outcomes of the 22nd Dialogue Conference held in November 2020. For that reason, you are invited to familiarise yourself with the themes and outcomes of the 22nd Conference available here, before your participation in the Youth Dialogue on 29 May.

If you are a young adult between the ages of around 18 and 30 and interested in the shared history of the three countries during World War-2 and its aftermath, having Dutch, Japanese, Indonesian or a combined heritage of some of the three, and are willing to share your thoughts in a virtual forum in English, you are most welcome to participate in the event!

Due to the event’s interactive nature, we intend to limit the number of participants to appx. 15. If you would like to participate, please register by sending an email message to  not later than May 20th 2021, with information about yourself as follows:

  1. Your first name and family name
  2. Your gender (if you are willing to share the information)
  3. Your age
  4. Your nationality and, if applicable, some background to your heritage
  5. Why you are interested in participating in this Youth Dialogue (if you are willing to share).

The online event will be held on the Zoom platform. Details of the Youth Dialogue programme will be shared with the participants. We sincerely look forward to receiving your registration!

If you have any questions, please write to us at the email address mentioned above.

The Foundation Dialogue Netherlands-Japan-Indonesia has been working towards reconciliation and mutual understanding by the citizens of the three countries since 2000. The 22nd Dialogue Conference was held online in 2020, and the 23rd Conference is planned to be organised in Surabaya, Indonesia, by the end of 2021. This Youth Dialogue is part of a three-year project that started in 2020 of the Foundation.

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