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Symposium Trauma, Recognition and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict 6th October 2018
October 6, 2018 @ 10:00 - 16:00
Dear Madam, Sir,
On Saturday October 6th. Stichting Dialoog NJI (Netherlands, Japan, Indonesia) in collaboration with Indisch Herinneringscentrum (IHC) and the Psychotrauma Expert Group (arq), will organise the symposium Trauma, Recognition and Reconciliation after Violent Conflict.
Stichting Dialoog NJI strives for exchanging experiences in World War 2 in South East Asia and its aftermath, and building bridges between citizens of The Netherlands, Japan and Indonesia, in order to reach mutual recognition and reconciliation. Besides yearly conferences, education activities and networking, Dialoog NJI aims to stimulate research in support of policy making through organising scientific (weghalen?)symposia.
The current symposium will focus on the effects of violence of war at personal, collective and historical level. These differ per individual, population group, country and generation. Current academic insights and the recognition of war traumas will be approached from the perspective of the three countries involved. Research into the personal processing of trauma focuses mainly on second and third generation war victims.
The speakers will cover the medical/psychological, historical, social and political field and hail from The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Japan. The program kicks off with (short) filmed interviews with first generation war victims from the three countries. (OPM: Leo/Floris, 1) moeten we deputy minister niet noemen en wat is de naam, 2) naam sprekers noemen en foto erbij? 3) filmed interviews staan niet program, wat is de context? Zin aanpassen of weglaten?
The symposium will take a full day of presentations, filmed impressions, group discussion, and musical intermezzo. Topics (The Symposium meer begrijpbaar?) will also be accessible for a non-academic audience. Language will be English.
Young people interested in their own history are very welcome!
Below you can find the program of the symposium and a short introduction of the speakers.
Date and time registration
Saturday October 6th. 2018 10.00 – 16.15 hrs. (registration starts 09.15 hrs)
20 euro for students
25 euro for non students
Please send in your registration form before September 10th 2018.
Your registration will be accepted after having received your payment into our bank account.
To register for our symposium you can fill in the registration form on our website here.
Indisch Herinneringscentrum (IHC)
Museum Sophiahof
Sophialaan 10
2514JR Den Haag.
Travel information:
Public Transport
The location can easily be reached by public transportation (tram 1, bus 22 and 24).
By car
Limited parking is available within the premises of IHC, but public (paid) parking is available in the vicinity.
We look forward to welcoming you on Saturday, October 6th!
On behalf of the collaborating organisations Dialoog NJI , IHC and arq
Yukari Tangena- Suzuki, chairperson Stichting Dialoog NJI
For questions about this symposium please send a mail to or call Rob Sipkens 06-20368738
Symposium program October 6th, 2018
09.15 | Walk-in | ||
10.00 | 10.05 | Welcome | Ir. Ton Stephan |
10.05 | 10.15 | Opening | Deputy Minister VWS Drs. Paul Blokhuis |
10.15 | 10.20 | Stichting Dialoog NJI | Drs. Janneke Roos |
10.20 | 11.05 | Casuistic | |
11.05 | 11.35 | “Violence in context 1942 – 1949” | Prof. Dr. Henk Schulte Nordholt |
11.35 | 11.55 | Pause & muzical intermezzo | Young Released |
11.55 | 12.25 | “Captive fathers, captive children” | Dr. Terry Smyth ( UK ) |
12.25 | 12.55 | “Struggling between resilience and disorder: – psychological consequences of war related trauma” |
Prof. Dr. Rolf Kleber |
12.55 | 13.25 | “Broken soldiers in the “Emperors army”: – medical/social/individual recognition of war neuroses during the Asia-Pacfic war” |
Dr. Eri Nakamura ( Japan ) |
13.25 | 14.10 | Lunch | |
14.10 | 15.10 | Discussion groups | |
15.10 | 15.25 | Pause & musical intermezzo | Young Released |
15.25 | 16.10 | Panel discussion | Henk Bakker MD. |
16.10 | 16.15 | Closure | Ir. Ton Stephan |
A short introduction of the speakers can be found here.
Registration form can be found here.