Invitation Symposium on 9 December 2022 CT church in the Hague
Intergenerational transmission as a consequence of violence of war and moral injury
Dear madam, sir,
We invite you to our symposium on Friday, December 9, 2022. This will take place from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Christus Triumfatorkerk, Juliana van Stolberglaan 154 in The Hague.
The presentations and the panel discussion will be in English, the small group discussions, however, will be mainly conducted in Dutch. The presentations of the guest speakers from the Netherlands, Japan and Indonesia will also be available in Dutch and Japanese.
The effects of the two wars in the former Dutch East Indies can still be felt; the war with Japan (1942-1945), followed by the struggle for Indonesian independence (1945-1949). Many of us have been touched by this violent past, which affects not only the first victims of those wars, but also spills over into generations to come. This applies to Dutch, Indonesian and Japanese war victims and descendants.
What we see is that the past is divisive not only on an individual, but also on a collective and interstate level. This motivates the NJI Dialogue Foundation to continue working on a future of peace and freedom based on (shared) stories, cooperation, understanding and reconciliation through tri/dialogue.
Our annual dialogue conferences are aimed at old and young with a Dutch, Dutch-Indonesian, Japanese or Indonesian background and strive to give history a voice in a different way; not judgmental, but through reporting and dialogue where the stories of people’s lives can be told and heard; not only from the first generation, but also from their descendants who often have to live with the traumas of their parents and grandparents.
This symposium is the last activity in our three-year project that aims to achieve greater mutual understanding and recognition of trauma from war experiences from a Dutch, a Japanese and an Indonesian perspective.
More information about the program can be found HERE.
The participation costs are € 20.00 per person, including a number of Indonesian snacks for lunch and drinks afterwards. Young people up to 25 years pay € 10.00. We request that you transfer your participation costs to our account before December 5th NL73 SNSB 0927 6534 94 in the name of NJI Dialogue Foundation stating “Symposium December 9, 2022”.
You can also follow the symposium at home via live streaming. We ask Dutch participants for a contribution of €7.50. You can transfer this amount to the above-mentioned account number, stating: “streaming Symposium December 9, 2022”.
We appeal to you to share this information in your personal networks and hope to welcome the younger generation from your own environment at this symposium with your support. So that they can take note of our shared past.
Lastly: you are very welcome as a donor to our foundation. You can deposit your contribution into the aforementioned account attn. NJI Dialogue Foundation, stating “donation”.
We sincerely hope to see you on December 9th.
Note: due to the live streaming the symposium will start exactly at 10 am. We therefore request the participants to be on time!
With kind regards,
Janneke Roos,
Chair of the board of Stichting Dialogue NJI
Route to the CT church:
The symposium has been made possible by the support from: